I am excited to be included in this show with this great cast of fantastic Chicago Artists! 

David Weinberg Photography + The Coat Check Presents:

Chicago Style

Opening Reception: December 6th, 5pm - 8pm

On Exhibition: December 6, 2013 - February 15, 2013

David Weinberg Photography and The Coat Check have come together to present to you an outstanding cast of artists that truly represent the unique and diverse sprawling neighborhoods of the windy city.  Chicago Style will open with an artist’s reception on the same evening, December 6th, 2013 from 5-8pm.

Chicago Style is a salon style group exhibition, featuring 34 artists whose eclectic works reflects the nuanced and refined style of the stormy, husky and brawling city of big shoulders.

Killing Season Chicago, Wicker Park, July 2011

My website kristawortendyke.com is temporarily down due to a massive meltdown at Brinkster.

Everything was lost in the disaster.

I will have something new and exciting up ASAP. 


In May, New City's art critic, Jason Foumberg, published his list of Chicago's 2012 Breakout Artists. I am honored to be on the list and to be placed in the ranks with these amazing artists.

Here are some remarks from Foumberg about the artists:

Breakout Artists is our annual selection of Chicago’s best emerging artists. The 2012 selection is dedicated to artists who collaborate—with the community, with other artists, and with the city itself.

Artist Krista Wortendyke '(re):media' Explosion Collages Examine Perceptions Of War

Artist Krista Wortendyke wants you to stop for a minute and rethink explosions.

In her collage series "(re:)media," Wortendyke examines the way imagery and information from photographs, movies, videogames, newspapers, and the Internet come together to form our perception of war.

I'm excited to announce that Olivia Solon from Wired.co.uk wrote a piece on my series (re): media.

In pictures: Collages question our perception of war

Artist Krista Wortendyke has created a series of composite images using a mixture of photographs, videogame stills, and news footage that depict wartime explosions.

In the series of pieces, called "(re): media", Wortendyke explores the misconceptions people have about war, given that most people's experience of war comes from the media...

Jason Foumberg from New City wrote a great review of both "Crime Unseen" and "The Happiness Project" in this week's paper. I'm excited to have such a great review of the show and my work.

Please visit my new project blog Addendum. I am writing about my experiences and posting photos from my adventures as I embark on this new piece, an offshoot of Killing Season Chicago, made for specifically for Crime Unseen at the Museum of Contemporary Photography. The show will run from October 28th - January 15th. This addendum will be a data driven visual bar graph mirroring the homicides in 2010 during time period of the show.

Killing Season Chicago at The Violet Hour in Wicker Park

As of May 1st 2010, it was estimated that the same number of Americans were killed in Chicago as in the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq combined. In a time when Americans are focused on simultaneous wars in places that are beyond our immediate reach, I am interested in exposing the breadth of violence that occurs right here in the city of Chicago.

After 3 hours of painstakingly cutting out stencils, I finally got to put the finishing touches on the facade of the Violet Hour yesterday morning. With the help of my wife and my father-in-law, I taped up the stencils for the words "Killing Season Chicago" and spray painted them a bright construction cone orange.

Under the chart, I added the months July, August and September to indicating what time period the installation represents.

Killing Season had to be slightly modified to fit on the front of The Violet Hour. In order for the images to be a decent size, I had to cut out some of the timeline. I decided that since the installation was going up on July 1st, that I would start from that date and end on Labor Day. On Thursday, I returned to the wall to wheat paste up the images with the help of my friend Rachel Esser and my wife Erica.

Wicker Park is such a bustling neighborhood which made for a very interesting day.
Killing Season: Chicago 2010
Killing Season: Chicago 2010
News & Events
News & Events

Crime Unseen
Museum of Contemporary Photograpy
600 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL
October 28th - January 15th

I am pleased to announce that 3 of my images were published both in print and on the web in the economics column of the March issue of the Russian edition of Esquire Magazine.

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